Oh my goodness!!! There’s certainly magic in the air …. What a wonderful way to start this fabulous time of year … I was reading a newsletter from the Earth Pathways crew on Sunday morning and gosh! you could of knocked me over with a feather lol!! … (cue falling off me chair and a happy dance with me T-shirt over me head all around the room!!!! *twirl* *twirl*) …. As I scrolled down the page I found out that one of my pieces of art (Hunters Moon) had be choosen for their front cover of the 2023 diary ekkkkkkkk!!! …. Oh wow! I feel so honoured and super privileged to be have been chosen!! … I’ve loved the diary and the ethos behind the publication for years. It has been a constant source of inspiration and joy through both light and dark times…. It’s always in my bag and travels with me up hill and down dale wherever I go …. I feel soooooooo lucky and my heart light is shining so brightly at the mo
‘Hunters Moon’ was inspired by a walk with Lunabobs (my wee furbaby and partner in crime) through the beautiful Byes at twilight and a chance encounter by a fabulous barn owl who ghosted silently over my head as dusk began to fall across the land. It was one of those magical moments that make you stop in your tracks. A few days later, as the sun laid her sleepy head, we were graced by a wondrous full bellied moon which just happened to be called the ‘Hunters Moon’ …
He watched upon the sky at night A guardian from afar …. She closed her eyes and made a wish Upon a shooting star ….
That was most certainly a lucky shooting star!!!
I do believe that we all have a creative voice (no matter how small) within us …. We just have to believe as a child does, throw caution to the wind and take those baby steps. No one tells a flower how to bloom and yet they stand tall and unfurl their beauty ... So be like the spirit of Beltane....Take it slow, be patient, embrace new ideas, gather your strength, then spread your wings and fly.... Shine like the beautiful individual you are! Xx