Hey fellow Toasties... Welcome to Pyro Corner...
Grab yourself a cuppa,
put your feet up & let's chat all things Pyro...
I so love to share my passion and enthusiasm with others. This little pyro corner is for all you creatives, artists, and wood burnering toasties, (whether beginner or experienced), who are looking for something new and exciting. Its a fun ride ….A piece of wood, a pyrography machine and a few simple supplies are all you need to get started … so jump in and set your imagination free. I hope you find a little something that will warm your heart and feed your soul.
Pyrography was something I stumbled across quite by accident a number of years ago when I was a little lost and without a tether.
Often overlooked as a ‘craft’ I had unbeknown stumbled across a wonderful mark-making medium that would give me the ability and flexibility to create not only images of a line and wash nature similar to that of tattooing (I was a tattooist), but also allowed me to explore a more organic approach to art. It also opened up for me, a whole new platform to experiment with temperature, tips, and detail to create the wonderful intricacies associated with the medium and offered me the ability to create beautiful artwork with a hands on physical approach.
I’ve had no formal art training, all my experience is through trial and error, happy accidents and experimentation. But by using modern materials, embracing an art led approach and adding a huge dose of wonder, it has allowed me to offer you a fresh, new and innovative approach to traditional Pyrography. These methods work for me … I'm hoping they might also work for you too! … or at least be the foothold to your own personal creative journey.... Enjoy xx

New Pyrography Corner Group
I am in the process of creating a new friendly interactive meeting place for all things Pyrography. Whether it’s to showcase your work, ask a question or discuss techniques… Whether you are a total beginner, happy intermediate or the more advanced lesser spotted variety of Toasty …. You are more than welcome here 🎨
Pyrography Corner is based around inspiration, education and good old fashioned friendship. You can share your work, chat, and connect with others. You will also be invited to enter the monthly themed competitions and we would love to hear about your works in progress. So what you waiting for...
Click the button to pop over to facebook...
‘Art holds its own Magic. Whether practised individually or communally, it connects people’ - Cherry xx 🍒

Drawing with Fire
Something super smiley is now available from Search Press!!!
My new ‘Pyrography - Drawing with Fire’ book has been released earlier than expected and now also available at Amazon or Waterstones too … Holey moley!!! .. and that just happened!! … It looks wonderful!!! … The art team at Search Press have done an AMAZING job …. So hard to believe it’s finally here !! xx i really hope you all enjoy it as much as I did making it... xx

Join me in a quick peek through my book...
Ever wondered how to make a pyrography tip for your Interchangeable Tip Posts... It's easier than you think...
Check out this video on making your own nichrome wire tips...
Ever wondered what those little tips do that go on the end of pyrography pens? Do you know your Skews from your Spoons?
If not here’s a wee video to help you along your way and maybe give you some ideas and inspiration … Enjoy xx
Some more bits to help with your journey
Sometimes its hard to know where to get started and where to source supplies ... so here's a list of some of the suppliers I like to use.
Its always lovely to be able to browse before you buy ... but if you are based in the UK it can be quite tricky to find a one stop shop for all things Pyrography. Thankfully we have a couple of stores like Yandles (in the UK) who offer a range of both quality pyrography machines, accessories and a huge range of wood (amongst other things). Its well worth a day out to go and visit them and have a mouch around.
This is not by any means an exhaustive list .. but hopefully may signpost you to a few hidden gems.
A word to the wise .. If you are thinking of buying a pyrography machine do check them out them before you buy. Cheap Chinese imports are cheap for a reason! .. They don't hold their temperature, often get too hot to hold and can be dangerous to use.

Toastie Friends
Burning can be a a very singular activity ...Its great to share & catch up with others
Pyrography Magazine Community (private group 16.7k members) - Global
Pyrography UK (private group 5.1k members)
Pyrography 101 & Gourd Art (private group 2.8k members) - US based
Pyrography Artists worldwide (private group 4.2k members)
Antex Firewriter Wood Burning Tool Group

Pyrography Machines & Accessories
Pyrography Machine
Antex Craft
Pyrography Machine (Firewriter)
Website: www.yandles.co.uk
Pyrography & Wood Products
NM Newmans
Website: www.mmnewman.com
Pyrography Machine
Dremel VersaFlame
Wood Suppliers
Turners Retreat
Website: www.turners-retreat.co.uk
Pyrography Machines & Wood Rounds
Website: www.kitronik.co.uk
Plywood Panels - Birch & Poplar
General & Mixed Media Sundries
Art Resin
Epoxy Resin & Resin Calculator
Pencils & Mixed Media
Pencils, Mixed Media & Art Resin
Jacksons Art Supplies
Website: www.jacksonsart.com
Mixed Media, Gold Leaf & Wood Cradles
Website: www.hobbycraft.co.uk
Mixed Media & Wood Panels (Never Burn MDF)
Pure Pens
Pen & Inks
Website: www.stabilo.com/uk
Pencils & Mixed Media
Copyright Free Images
Website: www.pixabay.com
Website: www.pexels.com
Website: www.unsplash.com